drone view of west village student housing

2019 Joint Housing Report

Commitment to create more housing options for students 

Access to housing is a significant challenge throughout the state of California and critical to supporting the strong sense of community cultivated by our university. To provide future students with easy access to academic resources and multiple options to live on campus, UC Davis is pursuing the most ambitious student housing construction initiative in its history – one that even exceeds the university’s potential enrollment growth.

With the approval of the Long Range Development Plan, UC Davis is well positioned to accommodate more than 6,000 additional students on campus by 2023. 

Last fall, the City of Davis, County of Yolo, and the University of California, Davis agreed to a legally binding memorandum of understanding (MOU). The terms of the MOU include a commitment to build more housing for students and a guarantee to house 100 percent of any new student enrollment growth on campus, a joint transportation plan and traffic improvement projects, the elimination of master leases in the City of Davis, and forming a stronger town-gown partnership through a variety of collaborative activities.

Additional Resources:

Chancellor May Letter
Vice Chancellor Kelly Ratliff Letter
2019 UC Davis Housing Update