Griffith Named Interim Leader for Campus Planning and Environmental Stewardship
Dear Colleagues,
As I mentioned today in the FOA Senior Leadership meeting, I have appointed Lucas Griffith to provide interim leadership for Campus Planning and Environmental Stewardship (CPES) when Bob Segar retires after nearly 35 years of stellar service to UC Davis.

Effective immediately, Lucas will assume the title Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor of CPES, and I’ve asked Lucas and Bob to work closely together so that additional knowledge transfer occurs before Bob’s June 28, 2023 departure. Until Bob’s last day, Lucas will report to Bob. Starting on June 29, 2023, Lucas will report to me and assume full interim responsibilities, except that I have asked Lucas to immediately assume leadership of any CPES onsite issues that may occur.
CPES is comprised of the Arboretum and Public Garden, Campus Planning, Environmental Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Services.
Lucas will serve as the interim Assistant Vice Chancellor for CPES while I and others from the university, including many of you, evaluate options for how CPES should be best structured to meet the needs of the university in the future.
More information about the future leadership of Aggie Square is forthcoming.
I am indebted to Bob for his outstanding contributions to UC Davis and grateful to Lucas for taking on interim leadership responsibilities.
Please forward this message to those in your unit who would benefit from this information.
Thank you,
Clare Shinnerl, EdD